About Us
Unlocking Potential FoundationWe’re born to be nurtured. We’re created to be connected. Connection to others is our source of strength, how we create meaning and where we find belonging. We need connection as we need air to breathe.
At Kindred, we understand that the only way we are able to truly realize the power of human connection is through our community and volunteers that support our desire to invest in the special bond between child and caregiver, provide roadmaps for healing for and from ruptured relations, and inspire confidence in self and others. We are so fortunate to have over 200 dedicated Calgarians who continue to share their time, talents, and hearts with us, but we can always use more! We want to ignite your passion through meaningful opportunities and provide you with the tools to flex your leadership skills while building connections within our programs and services.
The Unlocking Potential (UP) Foundation was established in 2008 as a separate charitable organization with the sole purpose of fundraising for Kindred. The UP Foundation ensures the sustainability of Kindred’s programs that translate into better lives for vulnerable Calgarians. The UP Foundation’s flagship fundraiser is the annual Kindred UP Gala, which highlights the power of human connection. Click here to view the UP Financial statements.
The Unlocking Potential Foundation Board of Directors is a dynamic group of leaders who are committed to engaging the broader community in the work of Kindred. The role of the UP Foundation Board is to raise funds to ensure the sustainability of Kindred programs. In the spirit of reciprocity, UP Foundation Board members are individuals who contribute their time and passion, without the expectation of compensation, supporting Kindred’s purpose. Board members value courageous leadership, kindness, respect, compassion and mutual accountability.