About Us
How We Are FundedWe are incredibly fortunate to have the support of partners that are also convinced the key to living well is building and maintaining strong relationships by fostering healthy human connections for self, family, and others.

- The Anonymous Donor
- ATCO Gas Employees Participating in Communities (EPIC)
- Margaret Bates
- Bennett Jones LLP
- Brand Alive Inc.
- Brasso Nissan
- Calgary Catholic Teachers’ Charities Association
- Calgary Foundation
- Calgary Learns Association
- Calgary Shaw Charity Classic Foundation
- CIBC Wood Gundy and Jamie McLeod
- Community Initiatives Program
- Crist Family Foundation
- Ecclesiastical Insurance
- Fairfield Watson
- The Hodge Family
- The Hughes Family
- HumanaCare
- Kensington Commons Church
- The Kinsmen Club of Stampede City
- The Maja Foundation at Calgary Foundation
Manulife - Charles and Patti McConnell
- Melton Foundation
- Annie Murphy
- Norreen Baker Fund at Calgary Foundation
- The Prosser Charitable Foundation
- Darren and Jocelyn Radies
- RBC Foundation
- Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary
- Shaw Communications Inc
- Society of St. Vincent de Paul
- Source Energy Services
- Ben Sze and Melinda Chan-Sze
- TD Bank Group
- Michael Theroux
- Toole Peet Insurance
- Several others who have asked to remain anonymous
And many others who support program specific initiatives. Please visit our program pages for more information.