Need Help
Strong and Nurturing Relationships between Children and Their CaregiversBrief Intervention Caregiver Support
What can I expect from this service?
The BICS clinician partners with caregivers and the Children’s Services case team to develop a plan that will help the caregiver build knowledge, practice skills, and develop personal awareness to create a safe and responsive caregiving environment for the child(ren) in their care.
Is this service for me?
This program is for caregivers who are offering foster and kinship placements in their homes, as well as caregivers working with the Supports for Permanency program.

How do I access this service?
This program can only be accessed through referral by Children’s Services Case Team staff. Please contact your Calgary Region Children’s Services case team for a referral.
Do I have to pay for this service?
This is a free service for caregivers providing care to children in placements with Child and Family Services.
I want to find out more about this service
To access the service, contact your Children’s Services case team. For general inquiries, please contact Tanya McGinnis, BICS manager, at 403.205.5886 or

Healthy Babies Network
In-home or Community Supports
What can I expect from this service?
Funded through the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program– Healthy Babies Network provides health provisions, information, and support to member agencies to ensure quality pre- and post-natal care for new mothers in identified underserved populations (adolescents, immigrant, Indigenous) during the pre/post-natal period (0-12 months). Dietitians provide individual nutritional assessment and counselling and provide group workshops on a range of infant health related topics to clients at member agencies.
Is this service for me?
This service is for agencies who works with pregnant and parenting individuals with children up to the age of 12 months who are at risk of having a low birth weight baby including immigrant individuals, Indigenous individuals, adolescent individuals and individuals who have had a previous low birth weight baby.
How do I access this service?
For more information about the Healthy Babies Network, call Shelby Newman at 403.205.5885 or
Alberta Health Services:
Addiction and Mental Health – Enhanced Services for Women
Well Child Services
Best Beginning
Elbow River Healing Lodge Prenatal Clinic
Postpartum Community Services
Awo-Taan Family Wellness Centre Parent Link
BowWest Community Resource Centre
Calgary Catholic Immigration Society Margaret Chisholm Resettlement Centre – Refugee Health Program
Calgary Catholic School District – Kara Life Program
Calgary Pregnancy Care Centre
Calgary Regional Home Visitation Collaborative (Healthy Families):
Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association
Children’s Cottage
Closer to Home
Pathways Community Services Association
Carya – Prime Time Program
CUPS Women’s Health Clinic
Elizabeth House
Families Matter:
52nd Street Hub
Pride Parent Link NW Hub
Shaganappi Village
Heart of the North East Family Centre and Parent Link
Hull Services – Patch
Immigrant Services Calgary – Healthy Start Program at Mosaic and Genesis sites
Louise Dean Centre
Calgary Achievement Centre for Youth
McMan Youth, Family and Community Services Association PCAP program
Native Network Parent Link Centre
North Central Family Support Program
South West Communities Resource Centre
West Central Resource Centre
YWCA Parent Link
Do I have to pay for this service?
This is a free service.
I want to find out more about this service
For more information about the Healthy Babies Network, call Shelby Newman at 403.205.5885 or
Parent-Infant Relationship Team
In-home or Community Supports
What can I expect from this service?
The program supports and strengthens the important relationships between infants and their parents and/or caregivers. It promotes the optimal social, emotional, and cognitive development of infants through strong, nurturing parent-infant relationships by improving parental reflective functioning, parental mental health and parental capacity.
Is this service for me?
This program is available for those parents/caregivers who are experiencing difficulties in their early relationships with their babies or want to ensure that, despite the challenges they face, they are forming strong attachments with their child.

How do I access this service?
The Parent-Infant Relationship Team will work with clients where complex and/or enduring difficulties in their early relationships have been identified. Work with clients can happen in community or in the client’s home. Clients are able to self-refer, or can be referred to by another community agency.
Do I have to pay for this service?
This is a free service.
I want to find out more about this service
For more information contact our Intake Coordinator at 403.205.5897 or

Prenatal Outreach Support Team
In-home or Community Supports
What can I expect from this service?
The Prenatal Outreach Support Team (POST) is a collaborative program involving Kindred Connections Society, CUPS, and the Calgary Police Service (CPS). The team is dedicated to early intervention, prevention and empowering people experiencing vulnerabilities who are pregnant. POST includes outreach coordinators who provide access to community resources and help them achieve their goals and work towards healthy outcomes for themselves and their children. The nurse from CUPS helps with prenatal education and wellness of the mother and baby, and a constable from the CPS, helps with legal system navigation, court dates, warrants or domestic violence that may have been experienced.
Is this service for me?
POST is a voluntary program that supports pregnant people at risk of homelessness, using substances, experiencing or exposed to domestic violence, experiencing mental health concerns or difficulties accessing prenatal care.
How do I access this service?
Anyone in the community can make a referral or self-refer through They can also be made via fax (attention POST) to 403-205-5295.
Do I have to pay for this service?
This is a free service. No payment is required.
I want to find out more about this service
For more information on POST contact our Intake Coordinator at 403.205.5897 or toll-free from anywhere in Alberta, at 1.877.244.2360.
Louise Dean Centre
CBE Education & Parenting Supports
What can I expect from this service?
Kindred, the Calgary Board of Education (CBE) and Alberta Health Services (AHS) welcomes pregnant and parenting students to Louise Dean Centre (LDC), a supportive learning environment grounded in kindness and respect at Jack James High School. This collaborative team provides wraparound services which include CBE teachers, childcare educators, health professionals and support workers. We are there every step of the way as students finish their education and gain skills to foster a healthy future for themselves and their child(ren).
Is this service for me?
Louise Dean Centre is for young pregnant and parenting teens looking to complete high school. Students receive support through a team of CBE teachers while their baby is on site in our accredited Parent-Child Learning Centre (PCLC). A parent support worker provides access to counselling and resources while the students are in school, as well as in community post-graduation. A variety of groups and parenting programs designed to help strengthen parenting capacity are also available.

How do I access Louise Dean Centre?
Students are welcome to enroll any time during the school year. For more information about eligibility and programming options, please reach out to the school at 403.777.7630 or visit
Do I have to pay for this service?
Services at LDC will be offered at no cost. Financial support is available through the Strengthening Hope Foundational Learning Assistance.
I want to find out more about this service
For more information on services offered at LDC contact our Kindred Intake Coordinator at 403.205.5897 or toll-free from anywhere in Alberta, at 1.877.244.2360.

Parenthood Supports – LDC & Community
CBE Education & Parenting Supports
What can I expect from this service?
Parenthood Supports involve several services that aim to connect expectant and current parents to a range of resources. Utilizing a case manager approach, each person receives a Parent Support Worker who remains their main contact for the duration of their involvement.
The program aims to:
- strengthen family wellbeing (social, emotional, relational and psychosocial), resilience and parenting capacity
- connect and support families in accessing resources/services that meet their basic needs and set them up for future success
- provide crisis/emotional support and teach coping skills
We assist parents in growing their parenting skills and confidence through regular individual meetings where we work through the Nurturing Parenting curriculum. We also support clients to set and reach goals that will help them and their family, including by way of attending various group programs.
Is this service for me?
This service is for expectant and current parents who reside in Calgary at Louise Dean Centre or in the community. Parents do not need to attend Louise Dean Centre to receive this support. We work with mothers/mother figures and fathers/father figures.
How do I access this service?
To access this service contact our Intake Worker at 403.205.5897 or
Do I have to pay for this service?
This is a free service.
I want to find out more about this service
For more information contact our Kindred Intake Coordinator at 403.205.5897 or toll-free from anywhere in Alberta, at 1.877.244.2360.
Parent Child Learning Centre
CBE Education & Parenting Supports
What can I expect from this service?
Situated onsite as part of the Louise Dean Centre (LDC) at Jack James High School, the Parent Child Learning Centre (PCLC) provides quality childcare and parenting support to young parents attending LDC with children 0-5 years old. The PCLC has two classroooms separated by child age. Grounded in Alberta’s Early Learning and Care Framework, Flight, the Educators work together to set goals for each child, customize care routines, and offer child specific learning opportunities. Early Childcare Educators also provide support to young parents through coaching and mentoring of childcare routines, parenting practices and child engagement.
Through this program parenting youth are provided with quality onsite child care and support enabling them to work towards completing high school, and eventually supporting them to successfully build a better life for themselves and their children.
Is this service for me?
This program is for children 0-5 years old that have a parent attending LDC. PCLC has an open continuous admission process. Once a child has been accepted into PCLC they can stay in the program until they are 6 years of age. The circumstances of the mom and child are carefully considered before the child is moved to a community care setting.

How do I access this service?
The Intake Coordinator or Parent Support Worker completes a referral form and provides it to the PCLC Program Administrator. The Program Administrator contacts the family regarding space, start date, and transition into the program. To contact our Program Administrator, call 403.205.8514 or (c) 403.560.3856.
Do I have to pay for this service?
We work with students to acquire funding through various government programs. There are also scholarships available for those attending classes sponsored by incredible partners including:
- Commons Church Scholarship
- The Rotary Club of Calgary North Scholarship
- Pat Campbell Scholarship
There are additional scholarships available through Education Matters.
I want to find out more about this service
For more information, contact Lucy Silva, Program Supervisor, at 403.205.8526 or We also welcome you to check out our Parent Handbook.
New Initiative
Get high-quality childcare from skilled level 3 educators. This service is available for any children aged 0-5 with subsidy available to qualified families. The PCLC is open Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. at Louise Dean Centre (5105 – 8 Ave SE). For more information or to register please call 403.560.3856.